05/2022. Netherlands: Final course for year 3. We continue our journey of exploring the true nature of reality where we go beyond the ordinary mind of subject-object duality, and eventually realize mind’s ultimate nature. This course will run for five weeks and will include two study groups and the opportunity to practice these teachings in retreat.
02/2022. Netherlands: This course is on Ground, Path, Fruition Dzogpachenpo. This will be a very special treat for you. The module will run for 13 course weeks. As usual, you will have study groups every second week.
10/2021. Netherlands: Second course in year three! We continue to explore absolute and relative bodhichitta. The Seven Points of Mind-Training is one of the main lojong texts that we study in Rigpa. Lojong focuses on exchanging ourselves with others - a juicy three months are lying ahead! This course will include five study groups.
08/2021. Nethlerlands: Year 3 of the Home Retreat 2.0. This year we will continue to explore absolute and relative bodhichitta with a special emphasis on sharpening our view. This first module, 'An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy', will help us to understand this journey within the context of Ground, Path and Fruition of each of the Yanas. With an emphasis on exploring the view in each yana, we will have plenty of opportunities for reflection and discussion. This course will run for seven weeks. It will have (optional) weekly study groups where you can explore the course contents together.