The main Vajrayana path is a specialized path of the Mahayana that is suitable for students with certain affinities. This path requires students to have formally entered the Buddhist path by taking Refuge and Bodhisattva vows, and to have a solid foundation and experience of the principles and practices of the Mahayana as well as the Vajrayana preliminaries. After reflection, one can formally enter the Vajrayana by receiving an empowerment from a qualified master, which enables one to study the Vajrayana teachings, or tantras, and engage in Vajrayana practices, or sadhanas.

Vajrayana practices emphasize the close guidance of a qualified teacher and employ many special methods such as visualization, mantra recitation and profound meditation, in order to arrive swiftly at a direct realization of one’s true nature and the nature of reality itself.

Rigpa upholds a vibrant lineage of sadhana practice, drupchös, drupchens and nyenpas, supported by the corresponding teachings, practice instruction, retreat guidance and ritual training according to our tradition.

2020. Online Retreat of Riwo Sangchö. This is one of the main practices held by the Rigpa sangha. During this retreat, we will study and gain a thorough understanding of Riwo Sangchö, inspiring us to practice it in a powerful and meaningful way.