06/2021. This two week module is aiming at giving you a very simple introduction to the Vajrayana preliminary practices. This week is accompanied by seven live sessions where we can practice together what we've learned.

06/2021. This week we will run an adopted version of the first session of the 'Is Vajrayana for me' course. A monthly gathering will complement this study and allow us to explore this fascinating world together.

05/2021. 'The proper way to listen to spiritual teaching' has two parts: the right attitude and the right conduct. Attitude is divided into 'The vast motivation of bodhichitta' and the 'Vast skills in means: The attitude of the secret mantrayana'. Conduct consists of 'what to abandon' and 'what to adopt'. We're going to cover these topics over a period of two weeks. Just as in the last module you can choose to study this by yourself or in a study group.

05/2021. This week we will refresh and deepen our understanding of studying the dharma. You can do this self-guided week by yourself or with your study group.